Brands are increasing sampling efforts in retailers like Walmart and Target due to digital ad fatigue. 

The reality is that sampling works. Product demos work. All of this is especially true now. Digital algorithms are getting better which means your best customers are getting absolutely slammed with mind-numbing ads from all of your competitors.  

Here’s a thought: take a fraction of your ad spend and use it to sample, demo your product, or have an event. Just a sliver of your spend is all you need. 

We know that digital is the core of a marketing strategy and it absolutely should be. The point here is to utilize layers to engage your customers and move beyond the clutter. Take the tail-end of your spend that is the least effective and make it an experience with your brand. It may even make your digital marketing even stronger. 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • 92% of consumers say they’re more likely to purchase a product after trying a sample.
  • Sampling can generate 65% higher word-of-mouth conversations about a brand compared to other forms of advertising.
  • Product samples led to a 2,000% increase in average sales compared to traditional advertising methods.
  • Brands that offer samples experience an approx. 38% increase in average sales during the sampling period.

Ditto on product demos, by the way.

Question is, how in the world do you scale this nationally, in a market or a specific store? Work with someone who has been there and done that. 

This is what we do at The Zest Lab, and we are trusted by some of the biggest brands in the world. 

If you want people to see, smell, taste, feel, or try your product, contact us. You can also just dump more money onto the tail-end of your digital response curve. Let’s give it a try!

We are ready to help.