The Lab Report

Gain insights, learn strategies, and enjoy candid stories from Marco Pescara, CEO of The Zest Lab


Passive vs. Passionate Sampling

Passive vs. Passionate Sampling

This has most likely happened to you… You’re in a store and someone is sampling. They are distracted. No smile, head down, cell phone out, no emotion, nothing. You walk...

Passive vs. Passionate Sampling

This has most likely happened to you… You’re in a store and someone is sampling. They are distracted. No smile, head down, cell phone out, no emotion, nothing. You walk...

New technology has made videos easier to shoot and edit, but are they better?

New technology has made videos easier to shoot ...

Today, nearly everyone has access to tools that make video production simple. You can shoot a clip on your smartphone, add a filter, trim the footage, and upload it in...

New technology has made videos easier to shoot ...

Today, nearly everyone has access to tools that make video production simple. You can shoot a clip on your smartphone, add a filter, trim the footage, and upload it in...

Grand Openings: Building Momentum from Day One

Grand Openings: Building Momentum from Day One

Sometimes we overlook the most important things. We make assumptions, we ignore what we don’t directly control, and we move on to what’s next. Let’s say you are a growth...

Grand Openings: Building Momentum from Day One

Sometimes we overlook the most important things. We make assumptions, we ignore what we don’t directly control, and we move on to what’s next. Let’s say you are a growth...